Contact Us

Source:NovelX Time:24-11-01 Views:35

  • For purchase, technical or any other issue with the site, feel free to contact us by using the Feedback function, or Email us, or message us @FlyingLinesNovels on Facebook. (If you do not receive SP after the purchase, please send us your username or registered email address and the Google Play/App Store/PayPal payment invoice as an attachment.)

  • If you'd like to become one of our translators/editors/proofreaders, publish your original works on our platform, or help with the translation issues, please feel free to contact us.

  • For foreign language translation request, please be advised that many of the novels on our platform, we have signed contracts with the original copyright holders. However, that may not include the copyright of other foreign language translations for now. Therefore, please inform us first by Email if you want to translate any novel, otherwise it might result in legal action from the original copyright holders.  

  • For business inquiries, please contact us via Email directly.

Thank you so much for using and supporting our platform.
